Docs and Info,
Our 3D reconstruction system named SCRAPER can be divided into three stages.
In our prototype system, an image is captured by the video capture
card for which CPU power is not necessary whereas an extractor needs
CPU power because it extracts by detecting regions where
the pixel values differ from its background image taken beforehand, so
the two processes need only one CPU to work together. In addition,
captured image data which is transferred to the extractor is not small
and so it is not desirable to use physical network device to transmit
the data between them. Therefore, We assign one video image captor and
one extractor on the same workstation. As a result, the number of
video image captors and that of the extractors are the same as that of
the cameras.
On the contrary, the number of 3D composers can be increased because the calculation on the 3D composer is completely localized. The system can improve the throughput by preparing the 3D composers on different workstations distributed in a LAN.
As a consequence, the throughput is improved by preparing the multiple paths in the pipeline architecture, which means temporal division of 3D reconstruction process. The number of the paths are subjected to the number of the 3D composers the system can offer. Figure 1 shows the process timing chart when the system has four cameras and four 3D composers and assigns two 3D composers at each path.
We introduce a process named scheduler to synchronize the processes in the pipeline architecture.
Figure 1: Pipeline Architecture