Video-1 |
Upper left
(Horizontal: Query ImageID, Vertical: Resultant Image ID [0-2199]) |
> Blue dots : top candidates |
> Red dots: verified (qualified) answers |
There are many false positives if top top
candidates are taken as answers. |
Upper right
(Horizontal: Query Image by path distance, Vertical: Resultant Image by path
dist.) |
> Blue dots: top candidates |
> Red dots: verified answers |
Red dots are almost on y=x (correct positions). |
(Horizontal / Vertical same as upper right) |
This is a comparison with a method of "say
yes if the number of pairs is big enough." |
The threshold of the pairs is set to get the
same rate of our method. |
> Black dots: queries of which both methods
tells the same ID. |
> Orange dots: queries for which only the
pair counting method tells. |
> Green dots: queries for which only the
proposed method tells. |
counting method |
method |
Threshold: |
10 |
Answer: |
5782 |
Answer: |
5369 |
Note that some orange dots go at incorrect
positions. |
(Some green dots also go far, but fewer than
the orange ones.) |
The verification process needs extra time
compared with the pair counting method, |
but it is less than 1ms. |