Contents of this page are obsolete. This page is preserved and stored at this URL just from historical viewpoint. Original URL was
Please visit for recent information. (2002/12/06, [email protected])


English$B!$(B $BGA8+Bh0lCF(B$B!$(B $BGA8+Bh;0CF(B$B!$(B $B$($C!)(B$B!$(B $B55EDG=@.(B$B!$(B $BH~G;8&8<4X(B 1999/01/18
This page is out of service. Please go to the new page. (2000/01/18)
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The movie was taken from 09:00, 1999/03/25 for 3600 seconds, including 183 frames.
The 1st image is mpeg1 movie, and the second one indicates location of movements.
The 3rd image is the chart of movements.

< [email protected] >