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Module mod_usertrack
Previous releases of Apache have included a module which generates a
'clickstream' log of user activity on a site, using cookies. This was
called the "cookies" module, mod_cookies. In Apache 1.2 and later, this module
been renamed the "user tracking" module, mod_usertrack. This module
has been
simplified and new directives added.
Previously, the cookies module (now the user tracking module) did its
own logging, using the CookieLog directive. In this release,
this module does no logging at all. Instead, a configurable log
format file should be used to log user click-streams. This is possible
because the logging module now allows multiple log files. The cookie itself is
logged by using the text %{cookie}n
in the log file format. For example:
CustomLog logs/clickstream "%{cookie}i %r %t"
For backward compatibility the configurable log module implements the
old CookieLog directive, but this should be upgrade to the
above CustomLog directive.
Syntax: CookieExpires expiry-period
Context: server config, virtual host
Status: optional
Module: mod_usertrack
When used, this directive sets an expiry time on the cookie generated
by the usertrack module. The expiry-period can be given either
as a number of seconds, or in the format such as "2 weeks 3 days 7
hours". Valid denominations are: years, months, weeks, hours, minutes
and seconds.
If this directive is not used, cookies last only for the current
browser session.
Syntax: CookieTracking on | off
Context: server config, virtual host, directory,
Override: FileInfo
Status: optional
Module: mod_usertrack
When the user track module is compiled in, and "CookieTracking on" is
set, Apache will start sending a user-tracking cookie for all new
requests. This directive can be used to turn this behavior on or off
on a per-server or per-directory basis. By default, compiling
mod_usertrack will not activate cookies.