Casper Cartridge Project Memo for Ver 4.75E 2012/01/04, kameda[at] This memo is just for internal use of the project. You may see below, but deinitely at your own risk. To run softwares, see 00README-casper475E.txt ----------------------------------------------------- snapshot taken at 2012/01/04, 03:45 (VericoI09) ----------------------------------------------------- - 3GB casper-rw - Reference PC is Panasonic CF-Y5 - Kill pulseaudio problem involved in 4.73E - OpenCV-2.3.1a (I was waiting for 2.3.2, but it hasn't come...) - gstreamer support - ffmpeg - mencoder/mplayer - libfreenect (test) - flash player plug-in at Firefox - eclipse projects setup - kinect - point clouds - some more AR/CV softwares Clean-up ... Firefox: cleaning/history,cache; set-home $ history -c $ df / (2975760, 1911388, 910772, 68%) ----------------------------------------------------- snapshot taken at 2012/01/04, 03:45 (VericoI08) ----------------------------------------------------- $ df / (2975760, 2417248, 404912, 86%) Set download files to local disk ... copy files on the internet to ~/Downloads $ df / (2975760, 2286692, 535468, 82%) $ date > casper-rw.2011-475E-VericoI08_dpkg-l.txt $ dpkg -l >> casper-rw.2011-475E-VericoI08_dpkg-l.txt $ date >> casper-rw.2011-475E-VericoI08_dpkg-l.txt libsvm $ cd $ mkdir libsvm-work $ cd libsvm-work $ unzip ~/Download/ $ cd libsvm-3.1 $ make (How to Use? See ../PracticalGuide-libsvm.pdf and original www page.) PTAM-TrakMark $ cd PTAM-work $ unzip ~/Downloads/ $ mv PTAM PTAM-TrakMark $ cd PTAM-TrakMark $ patch -p0 < ~/Downloads/PTAM-TrakMark-20111026.patch $ make --- run --- (Prepare TrakMark BlueRayDisc and mount it) (Check "VideoSource.root" and "ReferenceFile.root" in settings.cfg, default is /media/TrakMark) $ ./PTAM $ df / (2975760, 2264792, 557368, 81%) voodoo-1.1.0 $ cd $ mkdir voodoo $ cd voodoo $ tar xvfz ~/Downloads/voodoo-x86linux-1.1.0.tar.gz $ cd voodoo-x86linux-1.1.0 --- run --- $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`/bin $ bin/voodoo (File->Open->Sequence) (Directory: Browse: -> samples_image_sequence -> tripod_rotation -> uni.00.tga -> Open) (OK) (Click "Track", the right-bottom button) (Use play buttons to review) $ df / (2975760, 2186904, 635256, 78%) BazAR 1.3.1 $ cd $ mkdir BazAR-work $ cd BazAR-work (glew) $ tar xvfz ~/Downloads/glew-1.7.0.tgz $ cd glew-1.7.0 $ make $ sudo make install $ make clean $ cd .. (BazAR) $ tar xvfz ~/Downloads/bazar-1.3.1.tar.gz $ cd bazar-1.3.1 $ ./configure $ make --- run --- (plug a USB camera) $ mkdir 99sandbox $ cd 99sandbox $ ../samples/multicam/multigl ARToolKit 2.7.21 $ cd $ tar xvfz ~/Downloads/ARToolKit-2.7.21.tgz $ mv ARToolKit ARToolKit-work $ cd ARToolKit-work $ patch -p0 < ~/Downloads/ARToolKit-20111016-1005.patch $ ./Configure .. type 3, y, n, n (for USB-camera use) $ make --- run --- (print patterns.pattHiro.pdf or at least display it) (plug a USB camera) $ cd bin $ ./simpleLite $ df / (2975760, 2120664, 701496, 76%) PTAM r114 (see chap.13 of manual.pdf in Assuming that you have already installed PTAMM v1.3 and associated libraries. $ cd ~/PTAM-work $ unzip ~/Downloads/ $ mv PTAM PTAM-Ubuntu $ cd PTAM-Ubuntu $ patch -p0 < ~/Downloads/PTAM-r114-20111015-2321.patch $ make --- run --- (print calib-pattern.pdf) $ ./CameraCalibrator-OpenCV {-coloron} {camera-id|videofile|streamingURL} (got camera.cfg? ok.) $ ./PTAM-OpenCV {-coloron} {-lightoff} {camera-id|videofile|streamingURL} $ df / (2975760, 2118012, 704148, 76%) PTAMM v1.3 See chap.13 of manual.pdf in Slightly modify the codes for some options (See ~/Downloads/PTAMM-v1.3-20111017-1847.patch) $ cd $ mkdir PTAM-work $ cd PTAM-work (TooN) $ cvs -z3 co -D "Mon May 11 16:29:26 BST 2009" TooN $ mv TooN TooN-Ubuntu $ cd TooN-Ubuntu $ ./configure; sudo make install (libcvd) $ cd ~/PTAM-work $ cvs -z3 co -D "Mon May 11 16:29:26 BST 2009" libcvd $ mv libcvd libcvd-Ubuntu $ cd libcvd-Ubuntu $ patch -p0 < ~/Downloads/libcvd-20111015-2330.patch $ export CXXFLAGS=-D_REENTRANT $ ./configure --without-ffmpeg $ make -j3 $ sudo make install $ sudo ldconfig $ make clean $ export CXXFLAGS= $ cd .. (gvars3) $ cd ~/PTAM-work $ cvs -z3 co -D "Mon May 11 16:29:26 BST 2009" gvars3 $ mv gvars3 gvars3-Ubuntu $ cd gvars3-Ubuntu $ patch -p0 < ~/Downloads/gvars-20111015-2337.patch $ ./configure --disable-widgets $ make -j3 $ sudo make install $ sudo ldconfig $ make clean (lib3ds) $ cd ~/Downloads $ wget $ cd ~/PTAM-work $ unzip ~/Downloads/ $ mv lib3ds-20080909 lib3ds-Ubuntu $ chmod go-w lib3ds-Ubuntu $ cd lib3ds-Ubuntu $ ./configure $ make -j3 $ sudo make install $ sudo ldconfig $ make clean (PTAMM v1.3) $ cd ~/PTAM-work $ unzip ~/Downloads/ $ mv PTAMM PTAMM-Ubuntu $ cd PTAMM-Ubuntu $ patch -p0 < ~/Downloads/PTAMM-v1.3-20111017-1847.patch $ make --- run --- (read manual.pdf in the directory!) (print calib-pattern.pdf) $ ./CameraCalibrator-OpenCV {-coloron} {camera-id|videofile|streamingURL} (got camera.cfg? ok.) $ ./PTAMM-OpenCV {-coloron} {-lightoff} {-camera camera.cfg} {-command commandssample.cfg} {camera-id|videofile|streamingURL} ... It can run with avi and mov, but not with flv / mp4 ... $ df / (2975760, 2058192, 763968, 73%) $ du -s /home (289052) polyora-1.0.2 $ cd $ mkdir Polyora-work $ cd Polyora-work $ unzip ~/Downloads/ $ mv polyora-1.0.2-Source polyora-1.0.2-Source-Ubuntu $ cd polyora-1.0.2-Source-Ubuntu $ patch -p0 < ~/Downloads/polyora-1.0.2-YYYYmmdd.patch $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake ../ $ make --- run --- $ cd $ cd Polyora-work $ mkdir sample-data $ cd sample-data $ unzip ~/Downloads/ (plug a USB camera) $ ../polyora-1.0.2-Source-Ubuntu/build/vobj_tracker/vobj_tracker (type H when camera watches a card, it will be registered) (Once succeeded, you'll see 5x5 thin white mesh on the card) (You can register many cards) (If camera watches a card for seconds, its performance will be improved) $ df / (2975760, 1969268, 852892, 70%) $ du -s /home (200136) OpenCV-2.3.1a (When the 2.3.2 will come? Scheduled was late 2011...) (It takes 12 min or so ..., 11:44-) $ cd $ tar xvfj Downloads/OpenCV-2.3.1a.tar.bz2 $ cd OpenCV-2.3.1 $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake -DWITH_TBB=YES ../ > ../00Casper-cmake-result.txt $ make $ sudo make install $ sudo ldconfig $ make clean $ df / (2975760, 2013876, 808284, 72%) --- run --- (plug a USB camera) $ cd samples/cpp $ gcc -o starter_video starter_video.cpp `pkg-config --cflags opencv` `pkg-config --libs opencv` $ ./starter_video 0 $ df / (2975760, 1835512, 986648, 66%) $ du -s /home (109104) OpenKinect $ git clone $ cd libfreenect $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake .. $ make $ sudo make install $ sudo ldconfig $ df / (2975760, 1826620, 995540, 65%) Multimedia-IV (Get ready to OpenNI?Freenect) Ref: $ sudo apt-get install git-core libusb-1.0-0-dev $ sudo apt-get install ffmpeg $ df / (2975760, 1806976, 1015184, 65%) $ du -s /var/cache/apt/archives (507684) $ du -s /home (100640) Multimedia-III (gstreamer-dev to OpenCV-2.3.1) $ sudo apt-get install libgstreamer0.10-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly # libgstreamer0.10-0 ... already set # gstreamer0.10-tools ... already set # gstreamer0.10-plugins-base ... already set # gstreamer0.10-plugins-good ... already set # gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad ... already set # gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg ... already set $ df / (2975760, 1781204, 1040956, 64%) ----------------------------------------------------- snapshot taken at 2012/01/03, 08:40 (VericoI05) ----------------------------------------------------- $ df / (2975760, 1789716, 1032444, 64%) I like $ wget $ sudo cp /usr/local/bin/ $ sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/ --- run --- $ hoge-original.c hoge-modified.c > hoge-check.html More packages $ sudo apt-get install ... ... OpenCV (2.3.1) cmake libjpeg-dev libtiff-dev libjasper-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libgtk2.0-dev libtbb-dev ... PTAMM (See PTAMM(v1.3)'s manual.pdf) coriander liblapack3gf liblapack-dev libraw1394-dev libdc1394-22-dev freeglut3 freeglut3-dev libreadline5-dev ... BaZAR(?) libxmu-dev $ df / (2975760, 1659592, 1162568, 59%) ----------------------------------------------------- snapshot at 1/3, 05:20? ----------------------------------------------------- eclipse (GALILEO) c/c++ environment: $ eclipse > Help->Install New Software ->Work with: "Galileo Update Site .."->Programming Languages-> ->Eclipse C/C++ Development Tools( $ df / (2975760, 1668128, 1154032, 60%) ... removing some video files too kill emacs error: $ sudo gedit /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-2.0/gtkrc GtkRange::trough-under-steppers = 1 (originally 0) Qt, a cross-platform application and UI framework $ sudo apt-get install qt4-dev-tools qt4-demos $ df / (2975760, 1685240, 1136920, 60%) --- run --- $ qtdemo > click "Demonstrations" (at left-side, top) > click "Affine Transformations" (at left-side, top) > click "Launch" (at the bottom pane) > ... R, a language for data analysis and graphics $ sudo apt-get install r-base $ df / (2975760, 1380384, 1441776, 49%) --- run --- $ R > demo(graphics) > demo(image) > demo(persp) > demo(plotmath) > q() ... then type n Gnuplot, a graph tool (for libsvm) $sudo apt-get install gnuplot-x11 $ df / (2975760, 1230968, 1591192, 44%) Multimedia-II $ sudo apt-get install mplayer mencoder $ df / (2975760, 1191672, 1630488, 43%) To play .mp4 and .flv files $ totem hoge.mp4 -> requests you to install these two gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad -> Install -> Confirm $ df / (2975760, 1172988, 1649172, 42%) Multimedia-I $ sudo apt-get flashplugin-installer Firefox (ver. 3.6.8) -> Tools -> Add-ons Download Helper (ver. 4.9.8) bash aliases $ cd $ gedit .bash_aliases alias rm='rm -i' alias mv='mv -i' Maintenance-II (for getting mencoder/mplayer) System -> administration -> Software Sources -> Ubuntu Software -> On (main,universe,restricted,multiverse) and Off(Source) -> Download from: Main Server -> Close -> Reload $ df / (2975760, 901612, 1920548, 32%) Keyboard ... I need CTRL at CAPS-key... > System->Preferences->Keyboard ->Layouts->Options ->Ctrl key position->Make CapsLock an additional Ctrl->Close ->Close Eclipse, meld, emacs, and essentials 1$ sudo apt-get install eclipse 2$ sudo apt-get update 3$ sudo apt-get build-essential 4$ sudo apt-get install meld 5$ sudo apt-get install emacs 6$ df / (2975760, 915264, 1906896, 33%) Maintenance-I (for getting eclipse) System -> administration -> Software Sources -> Ubuntu Software -> On (main,universe,restricted) and Off(multiverse,Source) -> Download from: Main Server -> Close -> Reload Clock / 2012/01/01, 23:48-23:51 JST ... Assuming PC has local time on BIOS (e.g. JST) $ sudo gedit /etc/default/rcS UTC=no > System->Administration->Time and Date ->Time zone ->Asia/Tokyo->Close $ sudo reboot (-- Activate wireless-LAN) FA11-W4-G44398, set pass, and Set keyring ... on CF-Y5, 1st/2nd-3GB connects to (?!) ... finally, I found it will work correctly as DHCP once after I boot up them at CF-Y8 (?!) ===================================================== Casper Cartridge File Ver.4.75E Time-stamp: 2012/01/01 (Target PC : CF-Y5) kameda[at] ----------------------------------------------------- Universal USB Installer (ver. / 2012/01/01,23:30-23:48 JST Step1: Ubuntu10.4.X Step2: ubuntu-10.04.1-desktop-i386.iso Step3: Select target drive and check Yes / "We will format ... " Step4: 3000MB (3000x1024x1024 bytes) Target PC Panasonic CF-Y5 verico-I / 2nd-3GB USB Memory Stick/casper-rw (Verico-I) Verico Design TS (Blue), No.I (Capacity 3,990,075,392 bytes ... from WinXP property) =====================================================