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Minoh Lab. Computer List

English, 美濃研の計算機環境, 資料と情報, 亀田能成, 美濃研マニュアル, 美濃研玄関
美濃研の計算機資源の一覧です。 なお、美濃研のドメインはです。

IP1 IP2 IP3 IP4 MAC Name Product CPU Mem OS Role Options Budget
130 54 15 128 [network address] VLAN8[26bit]
130 54 15 129 00:90:cc:a3:49:0f rausu Canon LBP730PS (internal) *=lpcanon0(lp41) minoh-lab
130 54 15 130 shari NTT IP telephone (internal) minoh-lab?
130 54 15 131 52:54:4c:00:82:31 akan IBM PS/V Vision 2408WMC i486SLC/50MHz 8 Linux2.0.29 [Kameda] kameda
130 54 15 133 yari NEC IPterm10 IP telephone
130 54 15 134 00:90:27:8f:65:9c hakusan PC-Factory Zspec PentiumIII/700 768 Linux2.2.16-22(RH7.0J) DNS[]-secondary-server minoh-lab
130 54 15 135 00:90:27:8f:62:99 ena PC-Factory Zspec PentiumIII/700 768 Linux2.2.16-22(RH7.0J) minoh-lab
130 54 15 136 00:40:8c:3c:08:a2 youtei minoh-lab
130 54 15 137 08:00:20:7b:fb:3b iwaki SUN Ultra1-Creator3D UltraSPARC/167 128 SunOS5.8 CORE mnt4 minoh-lab
130 54 15 138 08:00:20:86:b7:64 hakkouda SUN Ultra30-Creator3D UltraSPARC-II/296 512 SunOS5.8 CORE mnt0/mnt1/mnt2/mnt3 mail ?
130 54 15 139 08:00:20:7b:e2:37 iwate SUN Ultra1-Creator3D UltraSPARC/167 128 SunOS5.8 sunvideo sunvideo minoh-lab
130 54 15 140 08:00:69:09:cd:93 akaishi SGI Indy4000SC-200 R4000SC/200 96 IRIX5.3 wnn6-licensekey-server minoh-lab
130 54 15 141 choukai
130 54 15 142 08:00:69:13:23:33 gassan SGI Octane R12000/300 512 IRIX6.5.10 minoh-lab
130 54 15 143 08:00:69:02:af:1f asahi SGI O2 R10000/195 256 IRIX6.5.10 minoh-lab
130 54 15 144 00:a0:c9:2e:f1:da zaoh FMV 6200T5 Pentium-PRO/200 64 Linux2.0.35 Samba-server minoh-lab
130 54 15 145 00:a0:c9:60:24:5e iide ? [Watanabe-Xterminal]
130 54 15 146 azuma
130 54 15 147 00:e0:18:03:77:fd adatara PC-Factory SuperMiniTowerII-Zspec Linux2.2.16-22(RH7.0J) [shingu]
130 54 15 148 00:a0:24:60:3c:75 bandai Panasonic CF-A44 Pentium-MMX/266 128 Linux2.2.6 [Kameda] *=myouken minoh-lab
130 54 15 149 00:90:27:8f:67:46 nasu PC-Factory Zspec PentiumIII/700 768 Linux2.2.6(S) Serial32ports minoh-lab
130 54 15 150 00:90:27:8f:66:a6 tokachi PC-Factory Zspec PentiumIII/700 768 Linux2.2.16-22(RH7.0J) DNS[]-primary-server minoh-lab
130 54 15 151 08:00:20:a7:ef:95 ibuki SUN Ultra10-Elite3D UltraSPARCIIi/360 256 SunOS5.8
130 54 15 152 naeba
130 54 15 153 oomine
130 54 15 154 00:40:8c:34:24:b5 nantai AXIS240 (internal) WebCamera minoh-lab
130 54 15 155 shirane
130 54 15 156 08:00:20:b8:e3:33 sukai SUN Ultra60-2360-Creator3D UltraSPARC-IIs/360*2 512 SunOS5.8 sunvideo IST(rental)
130 54 15 157 akagi
130 54 15 158 asama
130 54 15 159 08:00:20:b8:e1:96 daisen SUN Ultra60-2360-Creator3D UltraSPARC-IIs/360*2 512 SunOS5.8 sunvideo IST(rental)
130 54 15 160 08:00:69:0c:4f:9e hakuba SGI O2 R10000/174 256 IRIX6.5.10 minoh-lab
130 54 15 161 08:00:20:82:f2:72 goryu SUN Ultra2-1200-Creator3D UltraSPARC/296*2 1024 SunOS5.8 snapper minoh-lab/CDV
130 54 15 162 08:00:20:83:15:93 kashimayari SUN Ultra2-1200-Creator3D UltraSPARC/296*2 256 SunOS5.8 snapper minoh-lab/CDV
130 54 15 163 08:00:20:83:15:f8 tsurugi SUN Ultra2-1200-Creator3D UltraSPARC/296*2 128 SunOS5.8 snapper minoh-lab/CDV
130 54 15 164 08:00:20:82:fd:bc tateyama SUN Ultra2-1200-Creator3D UltraSPARC/296*2 128 SunOS5.8 snapper minoh-lab/CDV
130 54 15 165 08:00:69:0e:a1:ff yakushi SGI O2 R12000/300 128 IRIX6.5.10 minoh-lab
130 54 15 166 08:00:69:02:d8:c8 kurobe SGI O2 R10000/175 256 IRIX6.5.10 minoh-lab
130 54 15 167 00:90:cc:a5:ed:1d ishizuchi Apple LaserWriter16/600 (internal) *=lpapple0(lp30)
130 54 15 168 08:00:20:86:df:d2 hiuchi SUN Ultra30-1300-Creator3D UltraSPARC/300 512 SunOS5.5.1 mnt12 WWW CIMS(rental)
130 54 15 169 08:00:69:0b:9f:22 shibutsu SGI Octane/MXI R10000/195*2 512 IRIX6.5.10 minoh-lab
130 54 15 170 08:00:69:0e:9a:e3 tanigawa SGI O2 R12000/300 128 IRIX6.5.10 minoh-lab
130 54 15 171 08:00:69:02:af:33 kujuu SGI O2 R10000/195 256 IRIX6.5.10 CIMS(rental)
130 54 15 172 08:00:69:02:fd:1f hotaka SGI O2 R10000/195 256 IRIX6.5.10 CIMS(rental)
130 54 15 173 08:00:69:05:fb:10 jonen SGI O2 R10000/195 256 IRIX6.5.10 minoh-lab
130 54 15 174 kasa
130 54 15 175 yakedake
130 54 15 176 norikura
130 54 15 177 00:e0:18:a8:ec:d6 ontake SuperMiniTowerII Linux2.2.x? [shingu] IP5000
130 54 15 178 08:00:20:a7:fc:48 kirigamine SUN Ultra10-Creator3D UltraSPARCIIi/333 256 SunOS5.8 minoh-lab
130 54 15 179 00:40:af:45:b0:38 tateshina Epson LP8400PS3 (internal) *=lpepson0(lp31) minoh-lab
130 54 15 180 00:e0:18:a8:09:e1 yatsugatake SuperMiniTowerII 64 Linux.2.2.6? [shingu/atarashi]{mulvis-reserver} IP5000 minoh-lab/lec2
130 54 15 181 00:e0:18:a8:0a:24 aso SuperMiniTowerII PentiumII/333 64 Linux2.2.6 [nishi-TA-web-cam-server] {pmulvis11} minoh-lab
130 54 15 182 08:00:20:c1:07:32 miyanoura SUN Ultra10-Elite3D UltraSPARCIIi/440 512 SunOS5.7 SUNRAY-server minoh-lab/SUN
130 54 15 183 00:c0:85:26:af:48 kobushi Xerox CLW3320PS (internal) *=lpxerox0(lp42)
130 54 15 184 kirishima
130 54 15 185 kaimon
130 54 15 186 bosatsu
130 54 15 187 tanzawa Toshiba Dynabook SS3380 PentirumII/400 128 Linux2.2.17 [Mukunoki]
130 54 15 188 fuji
130 54 15 189 08:00:20:89:33:1e rishiri SUN Ultra2-2300-C3D UltraSPARC-II/296*2 1024 SunOS5.8 CORE mnt6,mnt7 gakujitsu(rental)
130 54 15 190 00:e0:52:08:d7:5c NetIron-1 (internal) gateway of VLAN8 CIMS
130 54 15 191 [broadcast address]
*** *** *** *** *** ***VLAN18*** *** *** *** *** *** ***
192 168 102 0 [network address] VLAN18[24bit]
192 168 102 1 00:10:5a:61:b9:9c zaoh FMV 6200T5 Pentium/200 64 Linux2.0.35 router IPmasquerade dhcp
192 168 102 2 00:e0:03:80:06:5d --- iCOM AP-1 WirelessLAN
192 168 102 6 00:50:04:0f:ac:cd ikoma PC-koubou PentiumII/450 128 Windows98 PCserver {aso} DVD MO scanner videocapture
192 168 102 9 00:20:af:f5:1b:4c atago PCFactory166 Pentium/166 64 Windows95/Linux2.0.35 {adatara} CDR Modela
192 168 102 10 00:e0:29:38:1c:68 osorezan Gateway GP6/450 PentiumII/450 256 Windows95(OSR2) [Kondo]
192 168 102 15 00:02:b3:16:ea:b7 haruka PC-Koubou PentiumIII/1GHz 512(256*2) Windows2000Pro/sp1 [Sudoh]
192 168 102 16 00:00:e8:42:f0:39 taizan Athlon-PC Athlon Windows2000Pro [Jin]
192 168 102 17 00:d0:b7:93:aa:38 kouyasan PC-Koubou PentiumIII/866(133*6.5) 512(256*2) WindowsNT4.0(English) [Mujahid]
192 168 102 18 00:90:27:a5:5d:c9 tennouzan PC-Koubou PentiumIII WindowsNT4.0 [Moro]
192 168 102 20 ? Solaris8 [Jin]
192 168 102 21 sakurajima PC-koubou PentiumIII/1000 Windows98/SE
192 168 102 22 [Amiden]WaveLan
192 168 102 23 [Amiden]Printer
192 168 102 24 OKI Microline400PSII Planex-Mini100 [Crest]Printer
192 168 102 101 embryo1 SUN Ultra1 [Mizuta]
192 168 102 102 80:00:36:05:d8:03 embryo2 Intergraph TDZ RealizmII PentiumII/???*2 256 WindowsNT4.0workstation [Mizuta] Phantom
192 168 102 103 08:00:69:05:e4:cf embryo3 SGI O2 R5000/180 128 IRIX6.5 [Mizuta] {tanigawa}
192 168 102 104 embryo4 PowerMac G3 [Mizuta]
192 168 102 DHCP(128-253) 00:60:08:03:62:67 kurama Toshiba Dynabook3340 PentiumIII/500 64 Windows98SE [Minoh]
192 168 102 DHCP(128-253) 00:50:04:0f:ad:42 unebi PCkoubou PentiumII/450 128 Windows98/1st [Minoh] *=yari
192 168 102 DHCP(128-253) 08:00:1f:06:69:f9 kibune Sharp PC-PJ2-X3 PentiumIImmx 128 Windows98/1st [Kyoko]
192 168 102 DHCP(128-253) miminashi [Kakusho]
192 168 102 DHCP(128-253) 00:20:78:90:2a:ea myouken Panasonic CF-A44 Pentium-MMX/266 128 Windows98 [Kameda] *=bandai
192 168 102 DHCP(128-253) 00:80:4c:34:18:46 rokkou FMV-5100 NC/S Pentium/100 32 Windows95(OSR2)
192 168 102 DHCP(128-253) --- yakebitai VAIO 505SX Pentium-MMX/300 64 Windows98
192 168 102 DHCP(128-253) --- yokote VAIO C1R Windows98
192 168 102 DHCP(128-253) tigers [Murakami]
192 168 102 DHCP(128-253) higashioji Sharp PC-PJ2-S2 MobileCeleron/300 128 Windows2000Pro [Sudoh]
192 168 102 DHCP(128-253) [Nishi]
192 168 102 DHCP(128-253) [Shimizu]
192 168 102 DHCP(128-253) 00:00:f4:30:b1:04 zhou IBM Aptiva 2176 H7F Pentium/200 32 Windows98/1st [Zhou]{sukai-yoshida}
192 168 102 254 00:e0:52:05:38:b0 FastIron-2
*** *** *** *** *** ***SUDOH-LAN*** *** *** *** *** *** ***
192 168 1 1 00:90:27:a6:78:2c kachikachi Proside/PRO3500DB PentiumIII/500 256(128*2) WindowsNT4.0 [Sudoh]
192 168 1 2 haruka PC-Koubou PentiumIII/1GHz 512(256*2) Windows2000Pro/sp1 [Sudoh]
192 168 1 3 kyodai PC/AT PentiumII/400 VineLinux1.1 [Sudoh]
IP-1 IP-2 IP-3 IP-4 ESI ***ATM*** LIS *** *** *** *** ***
130 54 152 9 00:00:d1:0f:53:5e naeba-atm Main-North
130 54 152 15 00:00:d1:0f:53:60 goryu-atm Main-North
130 54 152 16 00:00:d1:0f:7a:3f kashimayari-atm Main-North
130 54 152 17 00:00:d1:0f:53:70 tsurugi-atm Main-North
130 54 152 18 00:00:d1:0f:78:f2 tateyama-atm Main-North
130 54 152 26 00:00:d1:0f:6f:8d iwaki-atm Main-North
130 54 152 27 ? hakkouda-atm Main-North
130 54 152 28 00:00:d1:0f:79:d4 iwate-atm Main-North
*** *** *** *** *** ***retired*** *** *** *** *** *** ***
130 54 20 0 [network address] IS-LAN[22bit]
130 54 121 0 [network address] IS-FDDI-LAN[26bit]
00:00:6b:80:18:1c akan MIPS3330 R3000 UMIPS 4_52B
00:00:4c:31:cb:ce daisetsu NEC EWS4800/330PX UNIX_SV 4.2MP [1st] atm-nic:kyoto-atm13
08:00:20:05:0c:f2 daisetsu SUN Sparc Classic microSPARC-I/50 16 SunOS4.1.3C [2nd]
0:80:0a:2d:4:b7 nantai JCC iBOXc
?/? rausu/imel1gw Cisco 2500 4 IOS10.2?
08:00:20:0e:68:c2 shari ???
00:80:45:03:04:a8 yari Pana Super Sparc P2200 Model40-SuperSPARC 32 SunOS5.4
130 54 23 71 00:80:45:03:01:e6 tokachi Pana Super Sparc P2200 Model20-SuperSPARC 32 SunOS5.4 24bit-display
? ishizuchi Powerbook3400C/240 PowerPC603e/240 80 MacOS 7.6 Went to Ozaki?
00:20:af:ed:bf:df ena PC/AT Proside133 Pentuium/133 64 Linux?/Win??
00:20:af:f5:18:18 azuma PC/AT PCFactory166 Pentium/166 64 Linux2.0.35/Win??
130 54 23 67 08:00:20:74:4a:1b shari SUN Sparc SS5 MicroSPARC/40 40 SunOS5.7
130 54 23 73 00:40:61:00:50:7f youtei JCC JS5/110 microSPARC-II/110 32 SunOS4.1.4-JL [Lec1] dserver Kakusho-kaken
130 54 23 91 08:00:20:0a:fa:f1 oomine SUN Sparc IPC microSPARC/25 24 SunOS4.1.3_U1 serial-16port
130 54 23 93 00:00:3b:80:4a:36 shirane JCC JS20/60 superSPARC/61 96 SunOS5.7 100BaseT serial16
130 54 23 79 08:00:69:0a:1c:ca gassan SGI Indigo2MaximumImpact250 R4000SC/250 192 IRIX5.3
130 54 23 103 00:00:3b:80:4e:6e yakushi JCC 20/86(Axil 320) SuperSPARC-II/81(?) 96 SunOS5.5.1 need to type (boot disk) on boot
130 54 121 39 00:80:6d:23:03:51 lec3power Meikyo LT-1500 Root Password Problem
130 54 23 78 08:00:69:09:ba:29 choukai SGI Indy4000SC-200 R4000SC/200 96 IRIX5.3 Unable to boot
130 54 23 69 00:e0:8f:ba:cb:ff daisetsu Cisco Catalyst 5000
130 54 23 89 00:20:78:0c:04:18 naeba JCC JU1/170E-Creator3D UltraSPARC/167 64 SunOS5.5 ATM sunvideo / Unstable
00:00:85:01:88:35 (rausu) (Canon LBP730PS) 20 lpcanon0 is operated by Mini100 minoh-lab
130 54 23 95 x akagi Windows IMEL2F/kawatetsu
130 54 23 96 x asama Windows IMEL2F/kawatetsu
192 168 102 4 00:00:c5:50:31:4d wakakusa PowerMac9600/350 PowerPC604e/350 128 MacOS8 {yakedake}
192 168 0 7 00:00:0e:49:f3:95 tempozan FMV Pentium/166 144 Windows98 {nasu}
192 168 0 8 00:20:af:e7:7e:e6 kongo PCFactory166 Pentium/166 64 Windows98SE {iide}, Unstable with Win98SE
192 168 0 13 00:60:08:d1:9e:5c miminashi Latitude CPi PentiumII/266 128 Windos95 [Kakusho]
192 168 0 14 00:80:4c:34:18:50 kaguyama PC/AT FMV-515C NA3/X Pentium/150 32 Windows95(OSR2) {daisen}[kyoko]
192 168 0 16 00:a0:c9:95:55:83 taizan Gateway2000 Pentium/133 80 WindowsNT4.0-server [Jin]
192 168 0 DHCP 00:80:4c:34:18:4f hourai FMV-5133 NP/W Pentium/133 32 Windows98
192 168 0 DHCP 00:90:fe:01:cb:cd kurama Pronote mini(AL-N4T512) Pentium-MMX/120 80 Windows95B [Minoh]{yari}
192 168 102 19 mckinley Intergraph TDZ GX1 PentiumIIIzeon/550 512 WindowsNT4.0(English) [Nishigu]
130 54 15 136 00:40:8c:3c:08:a2 youtei AXIS2400 WebCamera ( minoh-lab
*** *** *** *** *** ***related*** *** *** *** *** *** ***
130 54 121 33 08:00:20:a6:c6:39 mulvisimg SUN Ultra10-Elite3D UltraSPARCIIi/360 256 SunOS5.7 mulvis kuis
130 54 121 34 00:e0:18:a8:0a:98 mulvis0 SuperMiniTowerII PentiumII/333 64 Linux2.0.35 video_server kuis
130 54 121 35 00:e0:18:a8:09:ea mulvis1 SuperMiniTowerII PentiumII/333 64 Linux2.0.35 video_server kuis
130 54 121 36 00:e0:18:a8:0a:65 mulvis2 SuperMiniTowerII PentiumII/333 64 Linux2.0.35 video_server kuis
130 54 121 37 mulvis3 SuperMiniTowerII-Zspec 128 Linux2.2.6(S) video_server kuis
130 54 121 38 mulvis4 SuperMiniTowerII-Zspec 128 Linux2.2.6(S) video_server kuis
130 54 121 40 00:80:6d:23:03:50 lec2power Meikyo LT-1500
130 54 121 41 mulvis5 SuperMiniTowerII-Zspec Celeron/500 128 Linux2.2.6(S)/Windows98SE minoh-lab
130 54 121 42 mulvis6 SuperMiniTowerII-Zspec Celeron/500 128 Linux2.2.6(S)/Windows98SE minoh-lab
130 54 121 43 mulvis7 SuperMiniTowerII-Zspec Celeron/500 128 Linux2.2.6(S)/Windows98SE minoh-lab
130 54 121 44 lec2hub 3Com SuperStackII Switch
130 54 121 45 lec2real SuperMiniTowerII-Zspec 128 Linux2.2.6(S)/Windows98SE realproducer kuis
130 54 215 119 08:00:20:a8:0f:8b pmulvisimg SUN Ultra10-Creator UltraSPARCIIi/333 256 SunOS5.7 mulvis(pmulvisimg) minoh-lab
130 54 215 41 00:e0:18:a8:0a:af pmulvis0 SuperMiniTowerII PentiumII/333 64 Linux2.0.35 video_server minoh-lab
130 54 215 74 00:e0:18:a8:09:e8 pmulvis1 SuperMiniTowerII PentiumII/333 64 Linux2.0.35 video_server minoh-lab
130 54 215 77 00:e0:18:a8:09:e0 pmulvis2 SuperMiniTowerII PentiumII/333 64 Linux2.0.35 video_server minoh-lab
130 54 215 105 00:e0:18:a8:03:42 pmulvis3 SuperMiniTowerII PentiumII/333 64 Linux2.2.6 video_server minoh-lab
130 54 14 201 00:e0:18:a8:03:45 real1 SuperMiniTowerII PentiumII/333 64 Windows98 realG2producer kuis
130 54 14 202 00:e0:18:a8:18:0e real2 SuperMiniTowerII PentiumII/333 64 Windows98 realG2producer kuis
130 54 23 42 08:00:20:a8:06:a1 lawn SUN Ultra10-Creator UltraSPARCIIi/333 256 SunOS5.7 realG2server kuis?

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Mon Apr 2 20:46:46 JST 2001